
CCSVI Information

I really liked this article and thought I would share it: http://www.essentialhealthclinic.com/website/index.php/clinic/ccsvi/ccsvi-information.html?gclid=CKyErMHN-p8CFQMsawodvVnwVg

These excerpts are the ones I found most interesting and helpful:
This is a truly remarkable breakthrough. It also makes sense of some of the previously unexplained findings in MS. The fact that lesions are centered round small veins fits this new theory. The beneficial impact of vitamin D, antioxidants and omega 3 also fits the CCSVI hypothesis. Vitamin D interacts with over 2,000 genes in the body and has a marked impact on vein pathology. Deep venous thrombosis is 50% more likely in the winter months and low levels are associated with increased inflammation in veins.

Vitamin D has a major role in the development of vein inflammation and is also a major factor in the development of venous hypertension. The inflammatory process in veins is similar to that in the development of plaques in arteries and may explain the efficacy of omega 3 fish oils in improving outcomes in MS. In addition to the surgical “liberation” procedure, it makes sense to ensure all nutritional factors are optimized to reduce vein inflammation. Future research should also consider these factors including checking vitamin D and omega 3 levels in addition to regular antioxidant use.

As soon as I read this I went to the fridge and took my spoonful of Cod Liver Oil, it has both vitamin D and the omega 3 oils.



I just got this newsletter from the Buffalo Study. This letter is very optimistic. Looks like the study has been a success so far. Very exciting!

Letter from the Director

Dr. Robert Zivadinov, MD, PhD
Director, Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center

February 4, 2010

My Friends,

I write to you today as our researchers are completing their analysis of the first of several studies on chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) in multiple sclerosis (MS). The preliminary results are exciting scientifically and will generate a great deal of discussion among our colleagues and the wordwide press. The study itself continues into the second phase.

Good news! We will begin to offer CCSVI Diagnostic Venous Testing beginning this month. Patients may self-refer or be referred by their neurologist. We have also taken the first step towards treatment of CCSVI, a 6-month study titled, Controlled Randomized Endovascular Therapy (CRET). It will evaluate the safety and preliminary efficacy of therapeutic angioplasty. It is important to understand, however, that we cannot recommend endovascular treatment before we fully understand the safety of any approach we may propose. Thus, we intend to perform double-blind controlled trials using a treatment different from those used by either Prof. Zamboni or Prof. Michael Dake of Stanford. Many thanks to everyone who has been following our research, to those who participated in our first study and those interested in phase 2 of the CTEVD study.

Here is the link to the whole news letter with lots more information.

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CCSVI Diagnostic Testing

If you would like more information on self referral testing packages please contact ccsvi.venoustesting@bnac.net.

CRET Study

If you would like more information on the CRET study please contact cret-ccsvi@bnac.net.


If you would like more information on the CTEVD study please contact ctevd@bnac.net.

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